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Getting to Know NSB

There are lots of amazing ways to get to know this beautiful island we call New Smyrna Beach! I was lucky enough to grow up in New Smyrna Beach and raise my children here, but there are still things I don’t know about the island.  One of the best ways is the weekly “Getting to Know Your Island” event at Esther Park.

Getting to Know Your Island meets every Wednesday at 9am through the end of April.

NSB Barrier Island

Grab your grandkids or out of town guests and head to Esther Park Wednesday mornings.  In the next GTKYI, take a morning stroll along the beach with MDC educators and find out what’s washed up in the weeds and hiding in the sand! From beautiful sea glass to interesting drift wood you never know what amazing things your going to find washed up from the sea.  The monthly exploration is part of the City of New Smyrna Beach’s Island Education Program.  It’s free to the public and anyone can show up!

This program focus’ on New Smyrna’s Barrier Island, which is full of sea life, like the Sea Turtles who hatch on the shores every year.  If you have not witness this beautiful act of nature, it’s an incredible experience.  Residence, visitors, and volunteers are extremely diligent throughout the year not to disturb sea turtle nests.  Nesting season is May through November in NSB.

Our Sea Turtles

Sea Turtle Hatching

If you want to learn more about how New Smyrna Beach is growing, The Coastal Community Resiliency discusses issues specific to New Smyrna Beach’s unique position as a coastal community.  They also meet monthly and ecourage engagements to foster building a holistic and resilient community.

Coastal Community NSB

This group meets once a month at the Brannon Center along Riverside drive and everyone is welcome to attend the meeting.


If you’re looking for something a little more active, you may want to try one of the communities free yoga meet ups!  Michele Benton with Om Sunshine Yoga started a montly meet up on the beach

Yoga In the Park

near Flagler Avenue Boardwalk over a year ago.  It has since grown into 2 other beach locations and the park next to the Brannon Center.  The classes are free, donations accepted, and a variety of trained yoga instructors rotating teaching.  Doing yoga outside in New Smyrna allows you to explore different areas of town while de-stressing along the water.  Dolphins and manatees usually make an appearance during class making this a truly unique Yoga experience.  For specific meet up locations/times and to learn more about the Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga class visit:

These are just a few of the reasons why NSB Homes loves the amazing lifestyle in New Smyrna.  If you are looking to find your new home in NSB call us today!

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